The most common types of Hoodoo Spells.

There are all types of spells in Hoodoo & each practitioner may have their own way of performing them.. The spell was usually “taught” by elder, not written… It is an oral tradition.. Many of our ancestors may or may not, have had access to certain items or plants or materials, in different regions but nonetheless, Hoodoo remains and is practiced according to the tradition…

Here are a few from The Hoodoo Conjure Blog;

RETURN TO ME This spells purpose is to get them back. It will focus on them coming back without baggage, ready to work it out, and fix up the relationship. This spell focuses solely on just getting them back. When there are a lot of complications i.e. distance away, length-of-time since break-up, children, money issues, etc., then maybe you need this powerful spell to get them back. It will overcome all the obstacles!

DO AS I SAY For taking the leadership over them in love and life. Tired of them making bad decisions and the effect it has on you and the relationship? You can now take charge and they will amazingly go for it, too!

LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP For those who have met on social networking sites, perhaps on a vacation, or through friends, this spell will make it work.  Overcome this obstacle so that it is not an issue in moving forward.

BRAND NEW START To get all the old baggage behind you and forget the past so that you will be able to move forward. It will help you get over the person that wronged you and get you focused on the future and the rewards to behold.

STAY AT HOME Stops them from running around, wanting to be with friends all the time, giving excuses for being away, and makes them want to be with you permanently.

DON’T LEAVE ME Makes them want to be home with you and not making plans to leave you. If you suspect they are thinking about moving on, finding someone else, etc., this will bring them to their senses. They will appreciate everything that you have to offer and be true & blue to you.

BEND OVER BACKWARDS FOR ME Their will to please you will be the only thing that matters. Do they ignore you, not do enough for you, or seem not to care? Get ready to be spoiled!

START WAR BETWEEN THEM Will make a couple miserable with accusations, screaming, fighting and chaos until they break up. Also known as the Hate Spell. If you want them broke up once and for all, this is the right spell.

RED HOT RECIPE Lustful burning desires will come to fruition with raw, passionate, animalistic sex. This is for when you have one particular person in mind. Note: If you want to experience lustful desires with several partners, then the I Want Lust Spell below would be more appropriate.

I WANT LUST Fast and quick, foretold pleasures with multiple hot partners. Note: If you want to experience lustful desires with one particular person, then the Red Hot Recipe Spell above would be more appropriate.

STOP CHEATING That special someone will follow you mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, right up to you front door.

MAKE UP QUICK Get over the horrible past, forgiveness for fights, forgetting all the bad. This spell works best where the break-up has been recent, or when talking has resumed after an old breakup. The two of you will get over all the previous issues and get back together right away.

HAUNT THEIR THOUGHTS Until they return, their thoughts and dreams will be haunted and horrible. Are you wondering what they are thinking about you right now? This is the #1 question asked of psychics. Many times, the real answer is that they are NOT thinking of you (if they were, they would be with you and not in the arms of another). That can be turned into a miserable position, and they will experience guilt, sadness, remorse and be affected day & nights in their thoughts & dreams until they come back. (This is a variation of the Anima Sola Spell)

OVER THE RAINBOW Love, pleasures, and meaningful relations with the person of the same sex.

CHECK ME OUT Attract attention from good potential mates or lovers who will find you to be sexy and charming. You could be the shy type, not one to be flashy, bold or too outgoing. Be more at ease with a spell that will bring them to you. If you feel like life is passing you by, as well as plenty of people that you would like to meet, this will change the tables.

KEEP ME FROM ALL HARM Get bad people and negative influences out of your life. Typically, this spell is requested where there seems to be way too much back luck. If you have money problems, relationship issues, bad luck at work, and it seems enemies are coming at you from all angles, then this will clean it up and keep it that way. This works when others have failed.

FALL IN LOVE WITH ME Get them to fall over heels in love with you. Maybe you are just friends, but you have decided that they are the one. Perhaps you are already dating, but they seem to be moving way too slow. This will spark their interest in you so that they appreciate all you have to offer and fall in love with you over it!

FILL THIS HOME WITH PEACE For a happy home, with laughter, fun, and joy. Get rid of strife, secrets, yelling, bickering, fighting, uneasiness, lies and more. It’s not too late to choose the spell that will make it a house of love.

FIND A MATE If you want a significant other in your life, this is the very spell that you need cast. Whether you are alone and need someone brought to you, or currently in a relationship that’s going nowhere, it is the effective choice. Get them to propose, commit, and follow through to the altar of marriage.

GET EVEN Does someone out there seem to have it in for you, they have crossed you, made you a victim? Reverse the bad intentions that they have or had for you. It will intensify the hardship ten-fold on them, bringing them bad luck, bad karma and misfortune. You are not a mean or vindictive person but you are not one to be stepped on or to be abused without fighting back. If you’re upset and certain that a specific person has done you harm or wishes for your unhappiness, this is your chance to get even.


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