Hijacked Conjure & Hoodoo….

Ooo chile, read this!   I was born in the south, Memphis Tn, and lots of the psychics and faux rootworkers I have seen online are seriously bastardizing the craft… They even merge it with other wacky belief systems & call it Hoodoo, and have the audacity to act as if they have the right to do so….Real Hoodoo, rootworkers, are usually informally taught… The online peddlers have unfortunately left out the element of real root work and Hoodoo, they have removed the “spirituality” and have decided to use structured ways, books and even worse, paganism & ever changing rules & assumptions from European mythology to the craft to call it Hoodoo, OMG!!  Stop It!… Learn real hoodoo, & stop stealing… Hoodoo is truly a merging of African & folk systems, but dam, lets keep it close to its origins… and not interject nonsense… My African ancestors, have bled, died, were beaten, raped and were hanged, no faux practitioner will ever understand our connection to this level of suffering and spiritual respect… (Some even hate to see the word AA, when it comes to hoodoo for some reason, and get really irritated..Weird huh?)  Leave this craft where it is, no need to come and attempt to  claim it as yours alone and misinform the masses, only a person like myself who actually learned the elements of Hoodoo from a real practitioner like my grandmom, mom and aunts can explain it… No online experimenter  is believable to me… I myself was born with a veil over my face, I know real hoodoo when I see it…… Lisa Kay.

Lisa Jones


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