Show Me The Money! Honey Jar & Spell-


15 in stock

Show Me The Money! Honey Jar & Spell-


A Jar for those times when you need to focus on your cash flow!

This little cutie is filled with the correct herbs, roots & petals and plenty of honey and other sweet things, such as cinnamon, allspice etc.. Filled with just the right amount of honey for an altar ritual or spell. Cowrie shells are the same as money in traditional hoodoo rootwork.
Let me know beforehand if you want it sealed or not, also you can add a photo if you wish…Comes with green starter chime and complete instructions for when to shake, and how/when to dispose your jar..

The cowry was the shell most widely used worldwide as shell money. It is most abundant in the Indian Ocean, and was collected in the Maldive Islands, in Sri Lanka, along the Malabar coast, in Borneo and on other East Indian islands, and in various parts of the African coast from Ras Hafun to Mozambique. Cowry shell money was important at one time or another in the trade networks of Africa, South Asia, and East Asia.

Order Yours Today! Get your Mojo Working

All jars fixed and hand made in house with materials as available.

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 4 in


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Memphis Conjure Supply